Liz (centre) with her friends and flatmates Steph and Marie
I know that it has been awhile since I have written a
journal entry, but the past two weeks have been rather
eventful – and not all to do with my studies. Firstly though,
I will update you one how my studies have been going.
Last week, practical wise, I had a refresher in the technical
side of photography. Claire, the photography lecturer,
spent the afternoon with me showing me how to set up
professional lighting, to do a meter, how to do effects with
brollies, etc. It was a very interesting afternoon, and
allowed me to think more about the technical aspects
of how to achieve my practical goals. At the moment,
with reference to my theory, I feel that using photography
as a documenting process for my ideas is the
way to pursue my prac ideas.
In regards to theory, I had another meeting with
Griselda, and discussion was raised in consideration to
the fine line drawn between identity and subjectivity. In the
Collins Online Dictionary, identity means – ‘the state of
having unique identifying characteristics held by no
other person or thing’, or ‘the individual characteristics
by which a person or thing is recognized’, whilst subject
(in reference to a person) means – ‘that which thinks
or feels as opposed to the object of thinking and feeling;
the self or the mind’, or ‘a substance as opposed to
it’s attributes’. Within my own research I view identity
as that with which I am labeled socially, such as woman,
white, disabled, short, etc; the subject, however, I
consider as being my self, my inside, the experience of
my embodiment. It is through subjectivity that artists
such as Hannah Wilke, Jo Spence, Mary Duffy and Alison
Lapper have managed to express the experiences
of their embodiment, the attempted destruction
of the object by becoming the subject.
I plan to begin writing my dissertation proposal these
holidays, as I am writing it I intend to contribute
more diary entries, in an attempt to draw discussion
into my work, please feel free to comment on
my research – I am curious as to what other
people think on the subject.
Now, onto the reason my journal entries have
not been frequent. I have gone into holiday mode
this past week and that included a weekend away
to Dublin, Ireland. I got to see the St. Patrick’s
Day Parade in Dublin, which was so much fun,
and of course, drink way to much Guinness. I
would recommend everyone go to Dublin – it is my
new favorite city. Whilst there I was also privileged
to see The Book of Kells, which is housed in Trinity
College, it was fascinating to see; the detail in
the illustrations and the neatness of the writing and
the age of the book gave me goose bumps. I am back
in Leeds now, and unfortunately am paying for
my all night Guinness binge, because I am
suffering from a cold. So lots of sleeping at the
moment and not much work done, Dublin
was worth every second though.