Elizabeth Wright, Central Coast Artist, eO member
and Superb Personality, is currently undertaking
Bachelor of Fine Art Honours (Newcastle University)
and as a part of this course is studying at the School of Fine
which is situated in Leeds, UK.
The following is an excerpt from a letter from Liz which
begins her three month diary on her studies and
experiences as an artist in Leeds.
Next week: ' comprehensive detail of my research'
I have been busy. The time is going too quickly -
I can't believe I have been here nearly 6weeks now.
My house is a lovely old Victorian place, with three
stories and a cellar. My flatmate's and I only occupy
the bottom floor however, the other levels are empty.
My room is big and roomy. I am at the front of the house,
so I have a lovely large bay window in my bedroom.
My flatmates are fantastic. There is Marie from Denmark,
Marie from America, Stephanie from Canada and Isa,
Kathy and Nina from Germany.
The university is lovely and well situated. It is only a
fifteen minute walk from the city centre, a five minute
walk from our house and the campus isn't too big.
The lecturers have been amazing, they are so helpful
and passionate about their work. I am doing a second
year studio module (because the fourth years are organizing
their final year shows and therefore I couldn't really be
involved), and I am doing my dissertation module.
My supervisor is Griselda Pollock - she is rather famous
over here for her feminist writings and she is a fountain
of knowledge and has inspired me to think outside the
square in regards to my research.
Elizabeth Wright.